Our Vision
We envision a TB-free Pakistan with zero deaths, disease, and poverty caused by TB.
Our Goal
Get back on track to end the TB epidemic by 2030.
Reporting TB care facilities in Pakistan (Year 2022)

Progress TB Control Program Pakistan till 2022
- TB Programme is providing free of Cost state of art Diagnostic and Quality assured treatment services through the network of more than 1,700 TB care facilities in public and private sectors across the country.
- During the Year 2022, more than 424,000 TB cases were successfully treated.
- Drug Resistant TB – Social Support in the form of cash incentives of Rs 12,000 per month during treatment for all enrolled patients.
- TB/HIV Collaboration -Screening of TB patients for HIV status.
Current Statistics (2022)

Current estimate of Incident TB
611,000 cases

MDR/RR-TB incidence
16,000 cases

Estimated proportion of cases with MDR/RR-TB in 2021
Among New cases = 2.5%
Est Incident TB cases V/s Case Notification Rate

TB Case Notification By Types And All Forms - 2023

Trend TB Case Notification – Pakistan (2018-2023)

Trend-TB Case Contribution By Public Facility/PPM Model (2018-2023)

Number of DRTB Treatment sites and enrollment (2017-2023)

TB CNR All Form (N+R+UK)

TB PTB Positive CNR All Form (N+R+UK)

Pulmonary, Bacteriologically Confirmed by Age and Gender 2023

Pulmonary, Clinically Diagnosed by Age and Gender 2023

Extra Pulmonary, Bacteriologically Confirmed and Clinically Diagnosed by Age and Gender 2023

- Scale up of rapid molecular diagnostics –GeneXpert machines (from 411 to 774 machines in Year 2024).
- Expansion of Digital X-Ray and Artificial Intelligence (AI) (from 12 to 136 machines for TB Diagnosis).
- Strengthening of 37 Divisional Laboratories for epidemic preparedness through provision of 25 hi-tech PCR machines.
- Surveys (TB Prevalence Survey, TB Patient Cost Survey, Drug Resistance Survey).
- Electronic TB Surveillance through Case Based DHIS-2.
- Enhanced coordination with Professional Medical Associations / Private Sector / International Technical Organizations.
- Integration with Universal Health Coverage (UHC) through strengthening of Primary Health Care.
Access our TB practitioners Training Portal on the on the URL. https://training.cmu.gov.pk

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Let us call for TB-free Pakistan. Join hands in the fight against TB!
Call us now at 0800-88800.