
Walking Together: Commemorating World TB Day 2024

Today, the Common Management Unit (CMU) and WHO organized a walk to commemorate World TB Day, starting from the WHO country office to the National Bank and NIH roundabout. Moreover, Winners of the Art/Poster TB competition, hosted by Pakistan Girls Guide Association with CMU and WHO, received prizes. Their artwork was displayed at WHO premises raising awareness on fighting TB. This event underscores our collective commitment to combat TB globally. Together, we can make a difference in the fight against TB.


Strike to END TB !

Cricket match between partners held today where CMU, ASD, Dopasi Foundation, Mercy Corps, JSI WHO, and Greenstar participated to remind all for the importance together. Yes We Can END TB!


Yes We Can End TB!

Today, celebrating #WorldTBDay2024, we stand united against Tuberculosis (TB) with an unwavering commitment to end it for good! In collaboration with JSI & Dopasifoundaton, the Common Management Unit, Ministry of Health Pakistan and the Ministry of Health reaffirmed our dedication to the global theme, “Yes! We Can End TB!”
Mr Ifthikar Ali Shallwani, Federal Secretary, highlighted the government’s promise of free diagnostic and treatment facilities across public and private health institutions. DG Health, Mr Muhamamd Ahmad Kazi, WHO Representative, and Deputy Director USAID addressed the audience focusing on measures to #EndTB. Inspiring panel discussions and stories from TB survivors showcased resilience and hope. Let’s join hands to eradicate TB together!

CMU M&E and Surveillance Unit Review Meeting

The National Coordinator of CMU chaired the M&E and Surveillance Unit review meeting, emphasizing updates across all disease areas. Special attention was given to tracking progress within DHIS2 Tracker data. The agenda centered on assessing unit activities for HIV, Hepatitis, and TB, ensuring effective disease monitoring and evaluation strategies.


Advancing HIV Surveillance: Insights from IBBS Round 6 in Lahore

The Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance (IBBS) Round 6 (R6) convened in Lahore on February 27, 2024, focusing on mapping key populations at risk of HIV in Pakistan. Through triangulation of research-based data with inputs from NGOs and CBOs, the initiative aims to enhance service provision, outreach, and policy effectiveness in combating HIV transmission.


HIV/AIDS Inter-Provincial Coordination Mechanism Meeting in Islamabad

On February 22nd, 2024, the HIV/AIDS Inter Provincial Coordination Mechanism Meeting was hosted by CDC Sindh in collaboration with UNDP and CMU in Islamabad. Moreover, all stakeholders including Provincial Programmes, Community based organizations, UNAIDS, APLHIV, and Nai Zindagi participated. The session focused on reviewing quarterly data, evaluating partner progress throughout the year, and fostering collaborative strategies to combat HIV/AIDS effectively.


UNDP and CMU/NACP Consultation: Advancing HIV Health Information Management for Grant Alignment.

In anticipation of grant-making, UNDP partners with CMU/NACP conducted a a one-day consultation involving key stakeholders in HIV health information in Islamabad. The aim was to collectively review and gain consensus on crucial aspects of the MIS, and identify necessary changes in the health information system. The meeting, opened by the National Coordinator of CMU, involved participants from UNDP, CMU, NACP, ACPs, UN partners, and CBO Project Managers and M&E Officers.


Advancing TB Care: National Digitalization Roadmap Workshop

The Consultative Workshop on National TB Digitalization Roadmap, inaugurated with opening remarks by the National Coordinator CMU on February 19, 2024, marked a pivotal moment for National TB Control Program. Supported by USAID’s IHSS-SD Activity and JSI, the program aims at shaping a comprehensive framework to digitize TB services nationwide. The workshop focused on collaborative efforts aimed to streamline interventions, fostering effective TB management across provinces. The landscape analysis revealed varied software implementations, necessitating integration and synchronization efforts. The workshop, attended by NTP and Provincial TB Control Program representatives alongside experts, sought consensus and prioritization for the National TB Digitalization Framework and Roadmap. Together, they aimed to optimize TB management nationwide using digitilization initiatives.


National Coordinator’s Visit to Nai Zindagi.

Visit to PWID Rehab Centre by Nai zindagi. The community needs special attention and CMU support is ensured.


Strengthening Partnerships: National Coordinator’s Visit to APLHIV Federal Secretariat

The National Coordinator CMU and her team recently visited the Federal Secretariat of the APLHIV, gaining insight into its operations and initiatives for the HIV Community. The visit fostered collaboration, enhancing the working relationship between APLHIV and CMU. It promises a more impactful support system for those affected by HIV.