Common Management Unit (AIDS, TB & Malaria), MoNHSR&C & UNDP Pakistan conducted trainings of Community Based Organisations (CBOs) staff on National HIV/AIDS Management Information Systems in Lahore from 1-4 August 2023.
According to its website, the CMU aims at accelerating the national and provincial response to control AIDS, TB and malaria and subsequently eliminate the three deadly diseases as per the government’s commitment to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Read More.
Training of facilitators for micro plannings for LLINs Mass Campaign 2023 at Best Western Hotel Islamabad from 11th July to 14th July ( Tuesday – Friday) 2023.
Discussions with religious leaders from different religions on what role they can play to strengthen HIV response in the country. It is jointly organized in collaboration with CMU , CDC Sindh UNICEF and UNAIDS. They are opinion leaders and their engagement is key.
Stigma Index Study 2.0 steering committee meeting organized today by APLHIV, in coordination with UNDP and UNAIDS, under the leadership of CMU, MNHSR&C.
CLM Task Team meeting held with Mr. Mustafa Jamal Kazi, NC- CMU ATM, Joint Secretary Health from MNHSR&C. This is going to be a game changer for community empowerment & assured his full support for ensuring CLM.
Training on the best approaches to TB and HIV Surveillance: Workshop on Sustainable Design and Data Triangulation in Islamabad was conducted from 24th May 2023 till 26th May 2023.
Post-grant submission, the GFATM Country Team is here to provide assistance in finalizing the Funding Request Applications, aimed at bolstering and expediting the HIV response.
AuTuMN Modelling Team met up with the CMU Technical team to discuss the draft report describing the methods, data inputs, scenario results at national level and recommendations for review.
GAM exercise was held in Punjab AIDS Control Program working with Common Management Unit, Ministry of Health Pakistan and UNAIDS to meet yet another milestone!