
Friends of Pakistan Forum in Paris

National Health Services, Regulation and Coordination hosted the “ Friends of Pakistan Forum”, during the World Conference On Lung Health 2023, held in Paris. The forum was Chaired by Mr. Iftikhar Sahllwani, the Secretary MNHSR&C with the attendance from representatives of World Health Organization, Dr Muddasir Shehzad (Project Director TB Control Program Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), Stop TB Partnership, USAID, Bill and MIllanda Gates Foundation, the Global Fund, Stop TB Pakistan, Dopasi Foundation and Bridge Consultants.

Dr. Abdul Wali Khan, the Manager National TB Program, in his presentation eluded on the progress in fight against TB and the way forward. Partners applauded the efforts of the ministry in keeping the momentum during and after COVID-19. Finding missing TB cases during COVID-19 was difficult task, however the accelerated recovery and catch up plan, prepared with the support of partners helped in meeting the targets.

Secretary thanked the participants and highlighted the key strategic interventions in place, which will help in finding the missing TB cases. He reiterated the commitment of Government of Pakistan made during the United Nation’s High Level TB Meeting on side line of the United Nation’s general Assembly, held in New York. He acknowledged the contribution of Civil Society, the local NGOs , technical and development partners in fight against TB. He also acknowledged the commitment of the provincial government, who have sustained the momentum by prioritising End TB as one of the top programs.

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